We are PsyDrive Group

Lisa Dorn | Founder, PsyDrive Group
Dr Lisa Dorn is recognised as a leader in the field of Traffic Psychology and has published over 30 peer-reviewed academic journal papers, presented at many international conferences and edited, authored and co-authored many books. Lisa has worked as a principal and co-investigator on human factors-related projects funded by the Home Office, the EU, EPSRC, UKRI, ESRC and industry. Her main research interests relate to the design of behavioural interventions for managing risk associated with road user behaviour. Lisa has been a Registered Member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors since 2010 and became a Chartered Human Factors specialist in 2015. Lisa is also an assessor judging the competence of fellow Human Factors specialists on behalf of the CIEHF.
Lisa has worked extensively in the public and private sector with vulnerable road users including the emergency services, fleet-based companies and young drivers applying a range of human factor knowledge and skills. She has served as an expert on several panels including from 2019-2023 as a member of the British Standards Institute working party to develop an ISO for ethical considerations for driverless vehicles.
Lisa founded the wholly-owned Cranfield University company, DriverMetrics to exploit her research in the development of psychometrically-based driver assessments. Lisa also co-founded a telematics data analytics company called The Floow to design driver feedback and behavioural interventions. Lisa has now founded PsyDrive to provide accredited training, intervention design and evaluation and expert consultancy.
Professional Affiliations
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors with Chartered status
British Psychological Society Associate Fellow with Chartered status
Past-President of the Transportation and Traffic Psychology Division of the International Association of Applied Psychology from 2014 to 2018
Member of the Standards Committee for Brake Global Fleet Champions
Member of the Roads Policing Academic Network
Member of the Risk & Compliance Committee, Association of Fleet Providers
Member of standards committee for BS ISO39003 on guidance on safety ethical considerations for autonomous vehicles
Member of Parliamentary Advisory Committee for Transport Safety Road User Behaviour working Party since 1996
First Car Young Driver Road Safety Award for telematics-based behavioural intervention in collaboration with The Floow, 2020
Brake Fleet Safety Award in collaboration with Schneider Electric PLC, 2018
Prince Michael International award for road safety in collaboration with DriverMetrics Ltd, 2016
Best Application of Management or Social Science KTP Award, 2008
Prince Michael International award for road safety with Arriva Bus UK, 2004
Brake Fleet Safety Award with Arriva Bus UK, 2003